Postings from Past Years… August 18, 2006


It is hard to believe that the Summer is winding down. Nights are getting cooler and there are the first signs of yellow in the bush. We are still dealing with the same fishing patterns that we have seen for the past 2 months. There were several bluebird sky afternoons this week that the walleye bite shut down across the board.

We are still finding almost all of our big fish on the deep side of the zone we feel comfortable fishing without harming released fish. We found volume in 20-30 ft. and big fish in the mid 30s. We experimented with spinners and depth, including checking the shallow dying weedbeds, and all resulted in very limited success. The bite has been variable between sand and main lake rock. One will produce well one day and then the pattern will change.

For the week, we caught and released 22 walleyes over 27 in., including 6 – 28s, and 1 – 29. Average volume was down a bit with a few very slow afternoons. The guide reports averaged 30 walleyes per boat per day over 18 in. and the highest daily total was 60.

Jigs and straight meat are the primary presentation. Most guides are still using 3/8 and ½ oz. jigs to deal with the light bite. No one is using ¾.

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Additional Photos for Postings from Past Years… August 18, 2006