July 31, 2015


Weather conditions for the last week of July were a roller coaster ride. We started the week with blazing hot sunshine, flat water, and high temps in the low 90s. We ended the week with 3 days of sustained NW wind gusting to 20 – 25 mph, high temps of 70, and a series of afternoon rain and thundershowers each day. As you would expect, the walleyes moved and we chased them.

Main lake summer sand was the big loser. Main lake rock; deep and mid depths were where most of the walleyes were found this week. We always want wind, but sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. There were many areas of the main lake that we could not effectively fish because of the waves. Often, we were still able to fish the main lake current created by the wind without having to fish directly on exposed shorelines.

Plastics and Big jigs produced a few nice fish this week, but almost all of our walleyes were caught on jigs (1/8 – ¼ oz.) with live minnows. Volume was good with guide sheets averaging 45 over 18 in. per boat per day. For the week, we caught and released 59 walleyes over 27 in., including 13 – 28s, and 5 – 29s.

One or two boats spent some time casting for pike this week. Results were mixed with 11 over 37 in., including 3 – 39s, and 2 – 40s. One of the guides did manage to land a 47 on a jig while walleye fishing.

The Take Away: The roll continues in spite of Gong Show weather.

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