June 2, 2020


June 1, 2020 – Not Season Opener:

We should be well into Season by now, but 2020 is going to rewrite the History books for everyone. There has been surprisingly little news or information about what to expect for the remainder of the Summer. My concern is that no news is bad news. As of this date, all we know is that the border will continue to be closed, at least until June 21. I would put the emphasis on “at least.”

Missy and the kids are still not allowed to cross the border even though they plan to quarantine for 14 days when they arrive. They remain in Iowa packed and waiting.

We continue to work on our projects. The new fixed dock is coming along nicely. The guys are working on the landscaping of the new cabin. And most importantly, we are on the water every day training our new guides for their future guests. Along the way, all 3 have managed to catch and release some big fish this spring.

We look forward to introducing you to our newest guide staff members:



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Additional Photos for June 2, 2020