September 14, 2012


Fall keeps on rolling on here, and this will be our 2nd last fishing report of the season. This week we saw it all as far as weather is concerned. Early in the week was “stable” (long johns in the morning and sunscreen in the afternoon). 3 days ago it was blowing 40km/h all day, gusting to 60. The next day rained all day. Today the fog was so thick leaving the dock that boats disappeared into the mist after 100ft. So I am guessing tomorrow will be nice!

Our efforts are still equally divided between pike and walleye fishing and the bear hunt. There were only a few boats fishing walleye consistently and the pattern of deep rock and sand held steady (30-40ft). For the week we had 9 walleye over 27 inches including 2X28 and one huge 30.25 inch fish.

The pike fishing is on in full force. 2-3 boats were fishing pike all week and stayed busy. Only a few monsters were found (one 41 and one 42) but we saw 9 fish over 37 inches and many many mid-30s kept anglers happy and busy. In this week coming we should see similar volume for pike and the boys are anticipating some big ones for sure.

For those still coming up (Larson and Co.) we await your arrival! For those who have come and gone – thanks for checking in on us and making this season a great one. Tune in next week for our final report.

Jesse Wright

Senior Guide, Silver Water Wheel Lodge

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